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You may feel stressed and anxious about COVID-19 so may your kids.


Simple facts about COVID-19


  • What is COVID-19

It is caused by a germ (virus) that can make the body sick. People who have COVID-19 may have a cough, fever and trouble taking deep breaths. But some people, especially kids, who have the virus may not feel sick at all or may have mild symptoms such as those of a cold.


  • How it spreads

Most commonly, the virus that causes COVID-19 enters people's bodies when it's on their hands and they touch their mouths, noses or eyes. A virus is so tiny that you can't see it. This is why it's important to wash your hands often and try not to touch your mouth, nose or eyes. If someone who has the infection coughs or sneezes on you from a close distance — closer than six feet — then that also can spread the virus.


  • What's being done

You're hearing so much about COVID-19 because it's a new illness that has not been seen before. Experts around the world are working hard every day to learn about COVID-19 and how to keep people safe.

Global health authorities and vaccine developers are currently partnering to support the technology needed to produce vaccines.



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This video illustrates the evolution of science and our role in preventing the spread of COVID-19. (Published by World Health Organization)

  • Take practical steps.

Frequent and proper hand-washing — especially when coming home, before meals, and after blowing the nose, coughing or sneezing. To sneeze or cough into a tissue and throw it in the trash or cough into a bent elbow. Clean and disinfect frequently touched items and surfaces around the house.


  • Effective hand-washing. 

To create tiny soap bubbles by rubbing their hands together and how to get the soap between fingers and all the way to the ends of their fingers, including their thumbs. Encourage your kids to sing the entire "Happy Birthday" or "ABCs' song twice (about 20 seconds) so they spend the time we need to get our hands clean.​

This video shows how to keep yourself healthy by washing your hands the right way (Published by CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)


  • Stay home more. 

To help prevent the spread of coronavirus, some school and events are canceled and the family is staying home more.

When the risks of COVID-19 become much lower or go away, we can look forward to being back in our normal routine.


  • Practice social distancing. 

Avoid close contact with people outside of home, even if they don't appear to be sick. Pretend there's a bike between you and the person you're standing near, keeping about 6 feet apart from each other. Instead of giving high fives, fist bumps or hugs to people outside your family, give smiles and waves to say hello.


  • Don't forget ways to stay healthy.

Healthy habits include eating a well-balanced diet, getting regular physical activity and getting a good night's sleep.

This video illustrates how the novel coronavirus -- the virus that causes the respiratory disease COVID-19 -- is transmitted among people and how transmission can be prevented. (Published by Stanford Medicine)

What should you do if you experience symptoms of COVID-19? This video illustrates practices for getting well and keeping others healthy. (Published by Stanford Medicine)

Nasal swab testing​


The purpose of this video is to prepare children for a COVID-19 nasal swab test, to help ease some of their potential fear and anxiety. When children are prepared to take a medical test, they become more cooperative and compliant, which creates a positive coping experience for them. This video has been made to be watched by children as young as 4 years old.

This video show how to support your child during COVID-19 Nasal Swab Testing (Published by Mayo Clinic)

Here are some more things kids can do: (Source:


Notice your feelings

Missing things — like playdates, school trips, and sports — can make you feel sad. But it won't be forever. For now, you can feel better if you stay in touch with people you miss. Talk on the phone or visit by video. You can draw pictures that show how you feel. Or talk about it with someone you feel close to.


Do things you enjoy. Try to have fun spending extra time with the people you live with.

When you're indoors, you can play games, read, do puzzles, make art, write a story, do a craft. You can dance, do yoga, build, learn, and play or listen to music. Go outside to ride bikes, run, walk, or hike. Take some chalk and write happy messages on trails and sidewalks for other people to see.


Be kind and helpful

All the changes due to coronavirus can make kids and adults feel stressed. Kids can help by doing little things that make a big difference.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Help take care of a little brother or sister. Keep them happy. Read to them and play with them.

  • Put your stuff away. Make your bed. Do your best with schoolwork. Ask (nicely) for help. Use kind words. Take your bath or shower without a fuss. Share. Offer to help with meals or cleanup.

  • Show love to your family. Give hugs. Help take care of your pet.

  • Be kind to yourself too. Relax. Get outside to play when you can. When you're kind and helpful, it's nice for others in your family. And it helps you feel good too.

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