Phone: (604) 637-2072
Studio: 109-3701 Hastings Street, Burnaby, BC
Office: 201-3701 Hastings Street, Burnaby, BC
"Empowering The Next Generation"
Believe In Your Child Foundation

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Life skills is character development at its best. Life skills can help your child succeed later in life.
Teaching your child life skills is not only important for self-care and sufficiency— it also allows him or her to feel empowered, works on socialization and reasoning, and helps develop healthy self-esteem.
You are loved. No matter what life path you choose, no matter where you live, no matter your job, who you love or the dreams you follow…. you will always be loved by your parents and by so many others.
You are so special and uniquely created to do something wonderful and meaningful in your lifetime. However, so is everyone else. We all have a purpose. Use your talents and gifts to contribute to the world.
Be who you are and not try to be a copy of someone else. Don’t ever try to bend your values or your personality to match someone else’s or to fit in.
Be confident and know your self-worth. Remember, you are special.
Embrace your unique qualities. You don’t have to be apologetic for what makes you different. You are special no matter what.
Do not compare yourself to other people. What you see are only glimpses from the outside and you do not know what goes on inside their lives.
Tell the truth always, even when it’s hard
Be yourself; express your mind and emotions, and break free from pretence.
Value honesty, loyalty and someone who cares about your joy and heartache. And then BE the friend that exhibits these same traits for another.
You are part of a community. Whether it is playing sports or musical instruments, - whatever you enjoy, do it, and do it with others. It will increase your sense of belonging, confidence, and bring new opportunities to your life.
Spend time with the people you love
Learning to control your temper is hard work – but it is more valuable than being physically strong.
Stay calm when you are insulted or criticized. Do not react with screaming, yelling, and tears when you are wronged by a sibling or a friend.
Work hard and you will be rewarded at what you do. A lazy person wants lots of things but gains nothing if they do not work at it.
Develop a good work ethic. It will get you further than good looks or natural talent. The best thing life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.
Don’t give up easily. Put in the work, but know when to walk away only after you have given your best.
Work hard, Play hard. Try different sports and artistic activities besides just study or work
Your reputation is important. As Benjamin Franklin said, “It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.”
Listen to those who are older and wiser than you, and you will learn much.
You don’t have to have it all figured out. Sometimes, it is good to wait for things to unfold instead of jumping to a conclusion.
Manage monies well. Understand the value of what you earn and the value of what you own. Save more. Spend less. Don’t spend more than what you earn.
Focus and stay committed to what you are doing. This will help you live organized, successful lives.
Control what we say! Words can wound or heal, hurt or help.
Belittling and slandering someone are never wise.
Listen more than you speak. Words have immense power, so be mindful of when and how you use them.
You can’t control how other people treat you, but you can control how you respond.
Be Humble - Don’t ever think yourself more highly than others
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes can be a teaching moment (Tell yourself that you can be better next time!)
Don’t get trapped in the pursuit of wanting more and more. True fulfilment comes when you are detached from the desire to have more and are grateful for what you already have.
Choose your friends wisely. Your choices should have far more to do with your values than your friends.
Friends who are unreliable can ruin you; but reliable friends keep you safe.
Life can be very beautiful with good company. Find friends that resonate with your being.
You will outgrow people and people will outgrow you. It’s OK. Some people are meant to stay for a lifetime but some aren’t. Sometimes, friends that you hold dear will betray you. Learn to let go.
Everything in this world changes, except change. Instead of fighting change, relax, let go and allow yourself to flow with it.
Don’t let yourself be stuck, in a job or relationship that is no longer serving you. You have free will. If you are unhappy with some part of your life, fix it or change it, but don’t stay stuck.
Life doesn’t have to be a race. Work together with people to help create a more beautiful world for the benefit of all humans on earth.
Listen to your body. Your body mechanism is wise, so pay attention to it and take care of its needs for your own benefit.
Take care of your body and soul. Eat healthily and exercise regularly. Take time for quiet; do the things that make you happy and surround yourself with good people.
Learn to love yourself, first. The most important relationship you'll ever have is with yourself. If that one isn't healthy, none of your others will be.
Don’t sweat the small stuff. A lot of life’s problems are not worth worrying about.
Do not be quick to judge people. Every person has a story and is fighting his or her inner battles.
It is better to show compassion than to judge.
Do not form judgments of persons based on gossips. Gossips are either distorted or not the full story.
Do not jump to conclusions when you have not heard all the facts.
Judge wisely.
Life is a gift, so be thankful for all that it is offering you open-handedly.
If you ever find yourself feeling down about something, start counting your blessings. It’s all about perspective.
Say ‘thank you’ when others show kindness to you or your family.
Crying can sometimes be helpful and make a person feel much better; so people should not try to hide tears, bury emotions, or suffer alone.
When the storms of life crop up, you don't have to weather them on your own. Learn to lean on your parents or trusted friends.
Aim high. You don’t always have to win everything in life or be a champion, but you can work hard to reach as high as you can
Have a strong work ethic. A work ethic is the strict routine that one follows on a daily basis so as to get work done.
Do not gossip, and avoid listening to gossips.
Those who desire power in the external world are lacking power in the internal world. Instead of striving to conquer others, learn how to achieve inner peace.
Learn to see the difference between good criticism (anything that will make me improve and that comes from someone I trust) and bad criticism (anything that doesn’t help me improve or makes me feel bad)
Be calm in using your voice whenever you are being corrected or criticized. It will reduce tension and misunderstanding with the person correcting or criticizing you.
When you feel the person who criticized you got it all wrong, try and calmly explain to him or her. And if that doesn’t help, leave the discussion and forgive the person for not understanding you.
Surround yourself with people who encourage you or speak positively to you. Avoid people whom you do not trust or who have a habit of teasing or insulting you. Teasing and insulting are the worst form of criticism.
True wealth is not found in how much money you have in your bank account, but in how much love and joy you have in your heart.
Do what brings you laughter. Have fun. Dedicate yourself on what makes you happy and you won’t regret a single moment of your life.
Life is funny and we take ourselves too seriously sometimes. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh.
Everyone has a different path to happiness. Follow yours with passion. Do not let anyone tell you how to live your life. We all have different interests, different passions and different natural talents.
Life is beautiful. Stop every once in a while and take it all in.
Use obstacles as stepping stones. No matter the problems you face, don’t get discouraged by them. Problems are there to be solved and overcoming them helps us improve the quality of our lives.
Life can be hard. There will be bad days and very bad days mixed in with the good, the ok, and the extraordinary. Allow the light from the good days to guide you through the tough days.
Winning and losing are part of life. Allow both to teach you. A loss can teach you how to hold your head up, deepen your resolve, increase your efforts and try again.
You are stronger than you think. Don’t give up easily.
Whatever you have that might contribute to the betterment of others and the world, don’t hoard it — share it freely and you’ll find immediate fulfilment from doing so.
Read books about people showing generosity. Stories of generosity will inspire you.
Be grateful for the generosity you have received from others, and you will be inclined to be generous toward others.
Every person is gifted in one way or another, so discover your gift and offer it to the world.
Develop your interests and talents. Life will be a lot more fun in the long run.
Follow your own dreams, not the dreams that someone tells you.
Be successful in small things and you will eventually be successful in the big things.
Life may not be a bed of roses all the time, neither should it be dark and gloomy. Focus on the positives, count your blessings and find joy in the little things that bring happiness – such as a loving family and a nice, cosy home to live in.
Happiness starts within. Do not expect anyone else to make you happy.
Love people unconditionally. Accept others not for what they do or are capable of, but to love them for who they are.
Character is doing the right thing when no one is looking.
Character values include: appreciation of beauty and excellence, courage, wisdom, fairness, gratitude, honesty, hope, humility, good judgment, kindness, leadership, love, perseverance, self-control, social responsibility, co-operation, contentment, optimism, respect and patience.
Character is a reflection of who we choose to be, the attitudes and values that govern our behaviour and reflect how we feel about ourselves and others.
You must never stop learning. There are endless source of learning in life. You will learn many things from your own experiences. Be a life learner and develop an interest to learn new things.
Pay attention to the world around you. It matters. Choose to make a difference for people who are far away or close by.
Having an unquenchable desire for ongoing knowledge is the key to improvement. The moment we stop learning is the moment we stop growing.
Imagination and creativity is part of learning.
Don’t let bitterness take root in your heart. Forgive those who have hurt or wronged you. Learn from it and move on. We are all broken, flawed people susceptible to acting in inexcusable ways.
Forgiving is not forgetting. To forgive is to say,” I did not like or appreciate your words or actions, but I am willing to let it go because it does not help me to hold onto these feelings.”
Do not hold onto past “wrongs” and bring them up at later dates.
If relationships can be repaired by forgiveness, you have done well. Sometimes, relationships are not ready to be repaired, and you must learn to give it time to heal.
We tend to see only our side of an issue. Our side is only part of the story. Forgiving is much easier when we see from the other side and know the whole story.
Show empathy for those who wronged you. It may be that they had a rough day or come from a difficult family situation.
The right decision isn’t always the popular one and the popular decision isn’t always the right one. Know the difference between right and wrong.
Do what you said you are going to do. Step outside of your comfort zone. Meet new people. Be courageous to make tough decisions.
Make decisions that will keep you happy and healthy. Do not make decisions just to please someone if you don’t feel it is right.
Accept that some decisions will be mistakes. Mistakes will help you make better decisions the next time.
You will learn much more quickly when you make decisions for yourself than when your parents make decisions for you.
Highly important decisions should be thought out carefully. Do not rush into making important decisions. Learn to wait and process your thoughts.
Better to make a decision than no decision.
Know that every decision you make has consequences – good or bad.
Learn to communicate your decision to people who matters to you.
Kindness is about “seeing with your heart”.
Make a habit of saying only positive things -- the kind of things that will make someone feel good rather than sad.
The simple act of smiling or being helpful can spread the warmth of kindness far and wide.
Feel concern for people less fortunate than yourself. Be generous and share with others.
In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you. Give respect to earn respect.
It doesn't matter where someone is from, what they look like, what they do or don't believe in, or what they do for a living - love and accept them for who they are. More often than not, if you're nice to them, they will be nice to you.
Accept that the opinions of others even if you don’t agree with them. Do not quarrel or argue over differences in opinions.
Give allowance for mistakes made by others; do not be harsh on those who made mistakes.
Apologize when you are the one who made the mistake.
Respect cannot be demanded. Respect must be earned.
Always stay positive and embrace both the challenges and blessings that life gives you. Remember that everything happens for a reason, no matter how good or bad. In the end, it will all make sense.
Don’t complain often. See good in a situation.
Talk positively to yourself. When confronted with a problem, tell yourself, “I can do it, I can overcome it”.
Have a grateful heart and count your blessings whenever you don’t feel positive about yourself or a situation.
Learn to think for yourself, solve problems and overcome obstacles.
Learn to pause and relax when faced with obstacles. Consider more than one solution before taking action.
Do not let our past disappointments govern how we see the future.
Life is a journey, not a destination. Pace yourself well in life.
A positive attitude will get you through most problems.
If you don’t know how to work hard and rebound from disappointment, you won’t reach your potential.
It's okay to be wrong. If we convince ourselves that we already know everything, we will never learn and grow.
Read books. TV and video games are fun, but don’t get so consumed in them that you miss out on important relationships, lessons, or opportunities.
Learn from those who are wise and of good character.
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go” – Dr. Seuss
Learn to speak up and stand for yourself. Ask questions when you do not understand what is being taught in class and be confident to put across your thoughts and ideas to others as an adult.
Courage is being willing to reach higher than what you have already achieved.
Courage is being able to explore new ideas and try something new.
Courage is not being fearful of failure or rejection.
Courage is having a sense of adventure.
Courage is being able to do what is right, even when it is not popular.
Do not waste your energy on negative people. They will drain away your happiness.
Don’t be bothered by what others might think of you. Be your own person and stay true to what you believe and know to be true.
In your life you will not always find it easy to get along with everyone. This is normal.
Sometimes the best thing to do in the case of a difficult person is just to ignore their behaviour. If they send an email to you that make your blood boil, take a deep breadth and don’t bother responding.
Express your frustration in safe way. Go for a walk, and have a quiet time to yourself.