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Age group: 4 - 12 years. 

The instructor will focus on one different character quality at each session to keep the character-focus alive.  Each lesson will have discussion, exploration, stories, and origami activities.  

Parents are welcome to accompany their children.  We use origami as an entry point for learning for participants and a tool for engagement for parents and get involved in building future leaders with character. 

We only accept group registration.  Please form a group of kids preferably same age group (at least 5 kids and not more than 12 people).  You may choose what character you want to learn and contact us.



Have you ever told your children that you expect "patience" or "orderliness", "diligence" or "gratefulness" from them, only to have them look at you with a mystified expression on their face revealing that they have no idea what you're talking about?  Or maybe when you tell them that you expect this type of character they ask you "...Why?" and then find that you can't actually explain that character trait to them in a way they can understand and apply it?  


  • "Good character is the inward values that determine outward actions" (“Character First") 

  •  There is good "fruit" to be had with good character.  “Character is Who we are.  It is what other people see.  Character is the  core of all people's behavior.

  •  Come and join our Free Origami Class and Character trait series classes.  

  •  In this introduction class we learn Origami symbols and Basic Fold and also make origami CRANE, balloon, car and flowers.

LEARN PATIENCE CHARACTER WITH ORIGAMI (Patience : " Waiting without getting upset")

  • Character trait: Patience means accepting difficult situation for what they are, doing what you can to resolve them, and taking the time necessary to work through the process.

  • Some things just take time, like growing up, travelling from one place to another or learning something new.  A patient person responds to these situations with a positive outlook and attitude.

  • Patience is a necessary part of life. Instead of getting frustrated when you face a difficult situation, patience helps you respond the right way


  • Learn Patience character and make origami Butterfly.

LEARN WISDOM CHARACTER WITH ORIGAMI (Wisdom : "Applying truth to my daily decisions")

  • Character trait: Wisdom is not just knowing information - it is applying information to the situation at hand

  • To make wise decisions, you must realize that every decision is important.

  • Every decision has a consequence​.  Sometimes consequences affect just one person, and sometimes they affect many.

  • Every decision has a lesson.


  • Learn Wisdom character and make origami OWL.

LEARN OBEDIENCE WITH ORIGAMI (Obedience: "Doing my duty with a good attitude")

  • Character trait: Obedience is not just about rules, regulations, and punishment. It is really about cooperating with one another.

  • Obedience makes teamwork and cooperation possible by clarifying your duty anddoing it to the best of your ability.

  • Everyone should obey the law and do what is right, including the people in charge of you.


  • Learn Obedience character and make origami Elephant.

LEARN ORDERLINESS WITH ORIGAMI (Orderliness: "Keeping things clean and neat")

  • Character trait: Orderliness is not a natural tendency or event. Even the second law of thermodynamics states that without intervention, all things move toward greater entropy and disorder.

  • The key to an orderly lifestyle is making it a habit—putting things away and keeping things clean one day at a time.

  • Keeping things clean and neat helps you do things faster and easier.  We call that being "Efficient"


  • Learn Orderliness character and make origami Chipmunk.

LEARN FORGIVENESS  WITH ORIGAMI  (Forgiveness: "Letting go of bitterness and revenge")

  • Character trait:  Forgiveness begins with sympathy, which is seeing someone’s pain

  • Forgiveness is not a feeling, and it does not take away or excuse what others have done. Real forgiveness is recognizing the problem and all the pain and hurt that comes with it—and then choosing to let go of any bitterness, anger, and desire for revenge so you can move on with life.

  • Forgiveness is not easy, and sometimes it is a long process to work through the situation, rebuild trust, and restore a relationship. 


  • Learn Forgiveness character and make origami Sheep.

LEARN FLEXIBILITY  WITH ORIGAMI  (Flexibility: "Adjusting to changes with a good attitude")

  • Character trait:  Flexibility means looking on the bright side and rearranging your plans

  • Flexibility is being open to the plans and ideas of others, and willing to be instructed and challenged to change for the better.

  • Flexibility does not mean you should go along with everything or everybody. 

  • ​Flexibility will help us see the big picture, how people and events are all interlinked with a sovereign God at the controls


  • Learn Flexibility character and make origami Hummingbird.

LEARN AVAILABILITY WITH ORIGAMI  (Availability: "Being ready and willing to help")

Schedule: Thursday, 23rd March 2017

Time: 04:00 - 05:30 PM

  • Character trait:  Availability means looking on the bright side and rearranging your plans

  • Availability putting others’ needs ahead of your own and lending a helping hand when you can.

  • Availability is similar to team sports. When individuals combine their efforts toward a common goal, they can achieve what they could not do alone. With team spirit and cooperation, victory waits just around the corner!


  • Learn Availability character and make origami Giraffe.

COMPASSION CLASS WITH ORIGAMI  (Compassion: "Helping those who are hurting")

  • Character trait:  Compassion means looking on the bright side and rearranging your plans

  • Compassion begins with sympathy, which is seeing someone’s pain, also includes empathy, which is feeling someone’s pain.

  • Compassion means getting involved, investing in others, and finding ways to “bear someone’s burden” in order for healing to occur.


  • Learn Compassion character and make origami Zebra.

HONESTY CLASS WITH ORIGAMI  (Honesty: "Being truthful in what I say and do")

  • Character trait:  Honesty is the foundation of truth and good character.

  • Honesty is more than just accurately reporting facts. It includes what you say, and it also includes what you don't say

  • Three character qualities foundational for Honesty:

  • First children who succumb to lying often lack contentment.

  • A second character quality that helps a child learn to be honest is self-control

  • Responsibility is a third character quality that is necessary for developing honesty


  • Learn Honesty character and make origami Lion.

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