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Leadership Team




James Soo was educated in Singapore. He studied Mechanical Engineering in University of Singapore and later did his MBA in Florida State University. He has held different management positions in a number of different industries – Government, Engineering and the Computer Industry. 


He and his family moved to Canada in 1986. He became an entrepreneur after coming to Canada, and started businesses in International Trade, Education and Real Estate Sectors. He enjoys strategic planning and pioneering new projects and businesses. 

He has felt privileged to be given opportunities to be successful in life despite coming from humble beginnings and having overcome challenges in mid-life careers that he wants to share and help others in their life journeys. This project is his contribution back to society. 


He is married and has two daughters and two granddaughters.   He recently authored a book “A life fulfilled”, which journals his personal story of faith.

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Ursula Yong has spent more than 15 years working in the area of IT, statistics, quality management and quality improvement projects at private and government health institutions in Singapore.

Her involvement in the health services has provided her with a passion for community work especially working with young children.  She has served as a Sunday school teacher for the children ministry at her church in Singapore and Canada.  She has broad interest and skills in both technology and Creative Arts (Origami Art, Baking).  She has great patience to teach and broaden children’s skills in both technology and the Creative Arts.

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