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Staying Positive


There are myriad of thoughts that fill our minds each day. We try to multi-task and resolve many of these thoughts within the capacity that our mind can handle. They could be as varied as trying to remember the different work tasks that need to be completed for the day or the week, trying not to forget the “To Do” list for the family that you just remembered a while ago, anxiety and worries over some family matters or future events, being angry over something that someone did or spoke and possibly many other thought frames. ​

We can compare these “frames” of thoughts with the way that multiple tabs can be opened on our internet browser or different apps can can beviewed on our computer screen almost simultaneously. Except that computers have no life, but we have a life. And what goes through our thought life does affect our health. When some of these thoughts are negative or when the thoughts create undue pressure on us, it results in stress or a negative outlook on life.

There are some good articles from Mental Health America on HOW STAYING POSITIVE HELPS.

These are what researchers found about the benefits of staying positive:

  • People who were pessimistic had a nearly 20 percent higher risk of dying over a 30-year period than those who were optimistic

  • People who kept track of their gratitude once a week were more upbeat and had fewer physical complaints than others

  • People who obsessively repeated negative thoughts and behaviors were able to change their unhealthy patterns—and their brain activity actually changed too.


Spirituality can provide a:

  • reassuring belief in a greater force or being

  • sense of purpose and meaning

  • focus on your own or universal wisdom

  • way to understand suffering

  • connection with others

  • reminder of the good in the world

The science on religion and spirituality:

  • People who meditate have increased activity in a "feel-good" area of the brain

  • People with strong religious beliefs recovered faster from heart surgery than people with weaker faith

  • People who didn't attend religious services died significantly younger than those who attended more than once a week​​.

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