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At Believe In Your Child, we develop programs that are exciting and fun - Computer Coding, Game Design, Robotics, Art & Cooking, Board Games, Science Experiments, and much more. Our programs are designed to broaden the skills and experience of school learners.


​After extensive consideration, we unfortunately will not be offering any Summer Camps.  However we have selected several hands-on STEM programs links that your kids can learn at home.


It’s almost impossible to keep your kids away from the Internet in the modern age, and in truth, why should we? It’s an essential part of their lives, and a great opportunity for them to learn, develop, and possibly even encourage a future career.  Here are some links for your kids



You may feel stressed and anxious about COVID-19 so may your kids.


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a source of daily conversation.  Parents may be wondering how to support your kids' developmental needs and understanding of the coronavirus. Honest and accurate discussion with your kids about COVID-19 can help them understand what's happening, relieve some of their fears, make them feel safe and help them begin to cope.


Learn simple facts about COVID-19 and how to boost your immune system


Every day, we’re surrounded by technology. As a result, coding has become an important second language for children and adults alike. Parents may find it difficult to teach programming to children if they don’t have any experience themselves. Fortunately, there are many resources available to help parents bridge that gap and provide a great learning experience for their kids.


Today there are many online coding programs for kids that provide the structure needed for kids to learn while being flexible enough to meet the demands of the modern family. Not only are there ample options for kids coding classes, but there are also tons of other free games, apps, and other resources that help kids learn programming skills. 

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COVID-19 has turned the 2020-2021 school year upside down: How are you going to work and your kids get educated at the same time? You can't do it ALL, right?


There are ways of making the best out of any situation. ​Children have a natural curiosity that lends itself to science, technology, math, and engineering. We have a unique opportunity here: We can make the COVID-19 crisis into a moment that will live vividly in our kids' memories.  Inspire your kids build on their innate desire for answers by exploring engineering concepts in a fun, hands-on way!

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The internet can be an amazing place to explore, but it's also good to practice online safety. Some tips include being careful about sharing personal information, reporting anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable online, and getting familiar with privacy settings.

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So you think that hackers and cyber spies are something you only see in the movies? Think again! The Internet is crawling with cybercriminals who are looking for a chance to take over your Facebook page, infect your smartphone with a virus or steal your gaming account. They don’t really care who they steal from –no one is safe from malware. So when you’re on the Internet, keep your eyes open!


The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in many children continuing their education from home. But it can’t be all science and math, right? Here are some resources for you and your child to explore your creative sides.

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Life skills is character development at its best.  Life skills can help your child succeed later in life.

Teaching your child life skills is not only important for self-care and sufficiency— it also allows him or her to feel empowered, works on socialization and reasoning, and helps develop healthy self-esteem. 

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Cooking with kids provides practical experience with many essential skills such as reading, following directions, and measuring. Getting involved in cooking helps your child to develop fine motor skills, eye hand coordination, and even early concepts of math and science.

Please feel free to view the picture gallery of our past Summer Camps

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This website provides information and educational resources to the general public only. This information is offered as a public resource service and should not be considered a substitute for the advice of regulated health professional after consultation. The ‘BELIEVE IN YOUR CHILD FOUNDATION’ does not guarantee the accuracy of information found on those sites. Please verify any information with these websites directly.
If you have any questions or concerns please email our website administrator.


Call Us: (604) 637-2072  /  /  201 - 3701 Hastings Street, Burnaby British Columbia, Canada V5C 2H6

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