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Mustard Flowers

Summer Camp 2017
(July and August)

LEGO WeDo 1.0 Crane
LEGO WeDo programming 2
Arduino Robot Car programming
LED Array programming

2017 Summer Camp Teacher 
Devika Vishwanath  taught at our 2017 summer camp. She is an all-rounder student studying Engineering at UBC. She is academically strong in Math and Physics and won numerous awards at local and national Science
Fairs. As a member of her school debate team, she has participated in several debate competitions. She was also a finalist at the HSBC national public speaking competition representing her school. She was a speaker at
TEDxKids BC 2014, where she shared “The true lessons from My Science projects”. Her personal interests include playing piano and performing Indian Classical Dance and Bollywood Dance. She has volunteered and worked in numerous student clubs and was the co-founder of “Make The Choice”, a school-based non-profit organization aimed at educating students about various career paths.

View Devika at TEDxKids BC 2014

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