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Field of Chrysanthemums

Summer Camp 2018
(July and August)

2018 Instructor for Coding/ Robotics/ Engineering:  
Tim Degerness 
Tim is an engineering student at UBC with interests in programming and robotics. He has had 6 years of competitive robotics experience competing in FIRST Lego League, Vex Robotics, and RoboCup SSL. He is currently on the mechatronics subteam of UBC Thunderbots helping create a diagnostic program for the robots to be used before competitions. Through these competitions he has won numerous awards such as provincial champion for FLL and worlds division finalist for Vex. He participated in the Dublin Engineering and Design Academy at his school taking project courses aimed at teaching the design process and project management. He has also led a student run robotics club, helping to teach other students skills in designing and building competition robots.

One of Tim's previous Robot's project

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